Sunday, February 14, 2010

The Difference Between Visualization and Visioning

If you've read 'The Secret' and many other programs, you've heard of Visualization, which is a beginning phase in metaphysics in which we mentally conceive of something we want. We imagine doing it or having it and we generate the feelings that would accompany the experience. Visualization involves having an idea of what we want to accomplish or how we want to live our life, then imaging that goal as already achieved and establishing the necessary mental and emotional vibrations to bring it forth and manifest it. Visualization is a beautiful and wonderful early stage in our evolution, and it’s very important.

If you've read Rev. Dr. Michael Beckwith’s Life Visioning book or CD program, you'll know that Visioning is a process by which we train ourselves to be able to hear, feel, see, and catch God’s plan for our life or for any particular project we’re working on. An organic process that has evolved for me as I grow spiritually, it is based on the idea that we’re not here to tell God what do or to ask God for things but to be available for what God is already doing. When we do visioning, we align in consciousness with our divine purpose, which is to love and to express a greater degree of life. We surrender to our concept of God (whatever that may be) and open ourselves to the fullness of the unique expression of God that is supposed to occur through us”.

When I hear some people talk about  The Law of Attraction, it sounds more like visualization rather than Visioning. Visualization does attract positive energy to our dreams and desires, but you've heard the joke: "If you want to make God laugh, make plans!"  When we are aligned with our Source, we are aligned with the Divine plan for our life. Which 'power of attraction' do you think will be strongest?

Lately, I've been asking questions of myself inspired by Michael Beckwith’s Life Visioning program:

    * What do I desire to manifest in my life?
    * What am I saying yes to? No to?
    * How does God see itself as my life?
    * What is the vision God has for me as my life?
    * Who do I need to become to embody that vision?

I love these kinds of questions because they lift my dreams and desires to a higher level; into the realm of imagination through the mind of God/Creation/Source Energy. I experience a sense of freedom and expansion when I intuit the answers to these questions during quiet times, when I ask the question, then listen for the answers. I can detect if the source is Ego or the Holy Spirit answering, because my conscience knows the highest good.

I want my Inner Wisdom/God/Soul/Love/Source Energy to be the guiding force in all areas of my life.  This means combining my inner knowing with my intellect and my efforts - allowing the Universe to work through me. That makes life easier - I don’t have to make anything happen! I trust that the Universe is conspiring in my favor to bring me everything I need for my highest and best good.

The visions we hold for ourselves are usually much smaller than the ones God holds for us. One of the suggestions Rev. Dr. Beckwith makes is to partner with someone to when visioning,  to better 'catch' God’s greater vision for ourselves.

Some additional questions to explore in the visualizing to visioning process

    * What qualities do I seek to grow?
    * What habits do I need to release?
    * What strengths do I wish to expand?
    * What gifts and talents do I need to own (that I might be dis-owning?)
    * How can I allow my gifts, talents, strengths, and qualities to help me fulfill my soul's purpose?
    * What identities do I need to shed to allow the real parts of myself to fully emerge?
    * What is seeking to emerge, to be fully expressed in service to humanity?

To understand the full process, I encourage you to purchase a copy of Life Visioning.

Our lives - our relationships, our work, and the blessings that we receive are an outward reflection of who we believe ourselves to be. To change our life, we must transform the beliefs and behaviors that keep us from receiving ALL the good that is desired for us to have. We are all here to be happy, prosperous, experiencing and sharing love in the world.

Dream BIG!

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