Saturday, June 19, 2010

Qi Gong

I've started taking Qi Gong lessons from Ryan at Wisdom Traditions. Qigong literally means "the skill of moving energy". Practioners of qigong experience their body's energy in a way that they can heal the areas where their energy is blocked. The beauty of qigong lies in the fact that it does not require any special equipment and the movements are gentle so that even patients with severe physical limitations can practice this meditative exercise. There are sitting and even reclining forms that can be undertaken by those with acute physical limitations.
Although the movements appear very simple, a 30 minute qigong session can leave one feeling calm but highly energized. A regular qigong practice will not only have health benefits but will also bring about positive change in many other areas of one's life.

In his latest book, YOU Staying Young, Dr. Mehmet Oz recommends qigong two or more days a week, stating "If you want to live to qigong." (The Oprah Show 11/1/07)

Health Benefits & Effects:

*Boosts the immune system and enhance the body’s ability to recover from illness and injury
*Lowers blood pressure and increases ability to deal with the effects of stress *Decreases asthma and allergy reactions
*Enhances mental acuity, concentration and ability to focus
*Accelerates the metabolism and decreases need for sleep

New York Times (April 5, 2007) "The face of exercise is changing in America. Instead of relentlessly pursuing a sculptured physique, people are chasing longevity, stress reduction and improved health through mind-body practices like qigong."
Journal of American Geriatric Society concluded (Nov. 1995): “practicing …regularly may delay the decline of cardio-respiratory function in older individuals.”
Men’s Health (Mar/Apr 1993): (Qigong) teaches inner strength while toning muscles, increasing flexibility, and boosting immune power.”
America Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (June 1991) stated that (qigong) is “safe for rheumatoid arthritis patients” and is a weight bearing exercise that “has the potential…of stimulating bone growth and strengthening connective tissue” (preventing osteoporosis).

How often should I practice and how long should a session last?

First thing in the morning for an hour is ideal, but realistically not always possible. A fifteen or twenty minute session in the morning and another like session in the evening is a good compromise on busy days, but some qigong is better than none and even five or ten minutes interspersed at convenient times throughout the day will provide benefit.

Friday, June 18, 2010


"Legend has it the daisy originated from a nymph who transformed herself into a charming and humble wildflower. Epitomizing childlike joy and playfulness, this flower captures the essence of a happy-go-lucky, forever-young attitude." I chose daisies for my wedding flowers - This is exactly why! Some people thought I wa...s crazy, but look at Keith and I still silly and happy with young attitudes 34 years later!

Monday, June 14, 2010

Stay Centered

Imagine that the universe is a great spinning engine, you want to stay near the core of the thing- right in the hub of the wheel- not out at the edges where all the wild whirling takes place, where you can get frayed and crazy. The hub of calmness- that's your heart. That's where God lives within you. Stop looking for answers in the world. Just keep coming back to center and you will find peace.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

No such thing as failure

Setting a goal and failing to achieve it doesn’t have to be regarded as some terrible thing to be avoided at all costs. In weight training failure is your goal for each session. Hitting the point of failure is ultimately what helps you grow stronger. A weight lifter doesn’t bemoan the event of hitting that limit, opting to stick with 10-lb weights indefinitely because 100 lbs is just too heavy. That would be silly. Similarly, don’t bemoan your own failures in life when you hit one of those weights you just can’t seem to lift. Simply take a step back and go after a slightly lighter weight for a while, and eventually you’ll be strong enough to heft that heavy one. Don’t conclude that just because you can’t currently lift a weight that’s too heavy for you (or achieve a goal that’s too challenging for you) that you’ll never be able to do it or that the whole process must be inherently stressful and disappointing. Learn to love the process itself.


Your achievements have no doubt given you a sense of not only being successful, but also happy and prosperous. You may believe that the wealth you’ve achieved is due solely to you to setting and achieving your goals. While your hard work IS responsible for a large part of your success, you must remember that your talents and energy are an expansion of the universe’s love and power working through you.

As you reflect, concentrate on the good things in your life, and say a simple,’Thank you” to the universe, so she knows you are aware of the impact of her love and support of your efforts . This act acknowledging how grateful you are for everything the universe has given you will leverage the blessings you've received and attract even more.

Your results are the outcome of your thoughts and the universe’s energy working through you. Although it is easy for you to think of your success as the result of your efforts, the only real success comes from being in tune with the unconditional love and positive energy of the universe. If you recognize this, it is natural to express gratitude for everything – all the possibilities still out there, as well as the blessings you've already realized.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

The Power of Decision

Usually it doesn't really matter what you decide. Just decide. There are endless options that would serve you well - any one of them is better than no decision/no change. We were designed to grow continuously - to constantly expand in experience and awareness.

The essence of all growth is a willingness to change for the better, but more so a DECISION, then an unremitting commitment to take the necessary ACTION, consistently day-by-day, all the way to COMPLETION.

As soon as you start to take action, whatever it is (it doesn't have to be "right" just has to be some action), that sparks the universe into action to help you too!

With an advanced decision, willingness to do whatever it takes, and committed action you cannot fail to improve!
Make a decision to grow, to change - then visualize it and empower it with your emotion and energy. Take the necessary action. Repeat daily until you decide you want to change again!