Saturday, June 12, 2010


Your achievements have no doubt given you a sense of not only being successful, but also happy and prosperous. You may believe that the wealth you’ve achieved is due solely to you to setting and achieving your goals. While your hard work IS responsible for a large part of your success, you must remember that your talents and energy are an expansion of the universe’s love and power working through you.

As you reflect, concentrate on the good things in your life, and say a simple,’Thank you” to the universe, so she knows you are aware of the impact of her love and support of your efforts . This act acknowledging how grateful you are for everything the universe has given you will leverage the blessings you've received and attract even more.

Your results are the outcome of your thoughts and the universe’s energy working through you. Although it is easy for you to think of your success as the result of your efforts, the only real success comes from being in tune with the unconditional love and positive energy of the universe. If you recognize this, it is natural to express gratitude for everything – all the possibilities still out there, as well as the blessings you've already realized.

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